Artist Bio
Hailing from San Diego, California, and a large Italian family, Pamela has pursued the road less traveled and followed her instincts to embody and nurture her creative energy allowing it to express herself uncensored and free. She gives voice to the power and presence that animates all of life through the exploration of ancient and modern cultural ideas, symbology, spirituality, and language. At heart, Pamela Nigro is a risk-taker, adventurer and explorer. Not only has she walked on the edge of jungles in the Philippine Islands and chanted in Franciscan Monasteries, but she's also appeared on Broadway stages in the asphalt jungle of New York City. Her art reflects a fascination with not only human behavior but also the human condition, cultural values, symbols, language, spiritual beliefs, and principles. One of her main priorities is to find where there is "agreement" within a culture so the focus in her artistic expression is on our similarities, what unites us, and understanding cultural differences. Bold colorful palettes and a daring passionate authenticity as well as a distinctively unique perspective make her art captivating and widely exhibited in local, national, and International exhibitions. Pamela is an award-winning artist and is a juried member of The National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) and an Associate with distinction with American Women Artists (AWA).