
Karen Safer

July 1 - 31, 2024

Karen Safer was given a camera and crayons at 3 and exposed to/inspired by California motifs: light, trees, the ocean, music, and vernacular architecture that defined/influenced her left-handed aesthetic. A Los Angeles native, born to creative, scholarly-minded parents who encouraged her world travel (230+ countries/territories visited). "I am a student of art, architecture, history, literature, film, and music. I have been heavily influenced by so many sources but here I've chosen to highlight art and photography influences from Hopper to Cartier-Bresson and from Atget to Cindy Sherman. So many influences on life from cities to nature to music and art. I love color and all its vibrance while I venerate black and white. I embrace all the many influences that have touched my art and my life deeply."



HMVC Gellery New York

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