Irina Howard

Soul Purpose

Medium: Oil On Canvas

Dimensions (In INs): 30 x 40

Country: United States of America

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Artist Bio

Irina Howard is a New York-based artist whose work explores the complexity of human life experiences. She is internationally recognized for rigorously composed and sublimely musing paintings and sculptures. Her innovative style is inspired by organic forms and textures bridging reality and imagination, giving a physical form to a conceptual idea, and revealing the visible within the invisible.

Howard was born and grew up in Ukraine. As a child, she encountered traumatic events that influenced her to interact with the world through her drawings. Her youth Howard spent in the elite cultural group committed to arts and literature, where she established her lifelong passion for the arts. By lifting the burden off her shoulders, she emerged with the personal belief that the artist has no right to contribute any more pain to a world full of struggle and despair, which kept her in artistic silence for several years. Moving to the United States, exploring different careers, and then heading into a midlife crisis significantly changed her perspectives and led to a creative awakening. Her real-life experiences of grief and hope found reflection in her current series of works. Howard studied fine arts and graduated with honors from the City University of New York and Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences.

Irina Howard is a recipient of several awards. Her recent recognitions: “Oscar of Visual Arts” as Top 60 Masters of Contemporary Art in 2022 by Art Tour International Magazine. Her work has been widely published in magazines like Aesthetica, the Art & Culture Magazine, Art Ideal Contemporary Aesthetics Magazine, and art books worldwide, including Important World Artists by Worldwide Artbooks. Her most recent exhibitions are at Art San Diego in California, and Hamptons Fine Art Fair in New York, USA. Her work highlights multiple private collections internationally.

Artist Statement