Barbara Bose

The Great Beauty

Medium: Oil On Canvas

Dimensions (In INs): 20 x 16

Country: United States of America

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Artist Bio

Perhaps because she is from Connecticut, Barbara Bose is one of those people who loves to connect the dots, seek the hidden picture, the lesson, the meaning, the purpose lurking within or underneath any- and everything. The hidden chalice in the Highlights magazine illustration. The oracle of the car radio. A chance bird swoop perfectly timed as if in confirmation of a thought. A word synchronistically repeated from seemingly random sources. Like an alchemist, Bose takes delight in seemingly random elements conspiring to build something new and heretofore unimagined. She keeps this concept in a little purse of ideas she carries around invisibly, fermenting and growing them until they gel into artwork. She is certain that clues are always there because she believes that with faith and perseverance an underlying picture gradually emerges from the soup and that intelligence lies behind situations, and lessons are to be learned everywhere.

A retired illustrator, art director, and designer from the publishing world, Barbara Bose is happily painting in her South Florida studio.

Boston Museum School: studied painting, printmaking
Freelance illustrator: ad agencies, various art departments

Quincy Patriot Ledger: created art department, news illustration & layout
Boston Herald Sunday Magazine: design & photographic art direction
The Palm Beach Post: illustrator and designer
International Fine Arts College, Miami: taught advertising & production
South Florida Magazine: design & photographic art direction

Blockbuster Entertainment Magazine: launched, design & photo art direction
Ocean Drive Magazine: launched, design & photographic art direction
Miami Herald: layouts, special sections, illustration
BoseArts: my design business
Absolutely Florida: published my online travel magazine
Florida.TV: online videos, launched, editor & producer
The Real Food Revolution: documentary editor & producer

00s - 10s:
DC & FL web, video, graphic, and stage design, Washington DC
Wrote & illustrated award-winning novel, Tree of Lives

20s: painting in her South Florida studio, exhibiting in local and out-of-state galleries and online

Artist Statement